Gazal Navlo
Client Relationship Manager
Meet Ghazal Navlo, a talented pharmacist with 4 years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. Raised in an educational-focused family, Ghazal has a passion for helping others and providing exceptional service. As the Client Relationship Manager at Turkey Property Club, she is dedicated to building strong relationships with clients and ensuring their complete satisfaction. With a family background in various industries, Ghazal brings a unique perspective to her role and a commitment to excellence.

Gazal Navlo

Client Relationship Manager
Meet Ghazal Navlo, a talented pharmacist with 4 years of experience in the Turkish real estate market. Raised in an educational-focused family, Ghazal has a passion for helping others and providing exceptional service. As the Client Relationship Manager at Turkey Property Club, she is dedicated to building strong relationships with clients and ensuring their complete satisfaction. With a family background in various industries, Ghazal brings a unique perspective to her role and a commitment to excellence.